This property was sold new for $734,500 in Feb 2005. It is currently owned by Countrywide Bank and was sold at auction in Jan 2007 for $540,454.63 and was recently listed for on the MLS for $549,900 as of 1/30/2008.
How much is it worth?
1090 MOUNT WHITNEY RD, 2950 sq ft, 5Br, 3Ba for $514,900
1069 MOUNT WHITNEY RD, 2860 sq ft, 5Br, 3Ba for $525,000
1074 MOUNT WHITNEY RD, 2860 sq ft, 5Br, 3Ba for $494,780
1445 AUTUMN HILLS DR, 2950 sq ft, 5Br, 3Ba for $450,000
So that's about $170 /per sq ft on average or $457,000 for the house.
So just because the starting bid is $249,000, I would venture to say that Countrywide will not accept more than a 100K hit on this home. I would also venture that Countrywide will happily dump this money pit off their books for $450-475K.